Thursday, December 4, 2008

An idea.

So when i saw this hair cut I thought it was really cute. Let me know what you think.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

I need help!!!

So i have decided to cut my hair! Its been so long, and I have found that all I've been able to do is put my hair in a pony tail. So I need your suggestions on how i should get it cut!! I want a haircut that makes me look older (I'm 19 but I look 12!) but i don't want it to be too short. So please, please, please give me suggestions!!
Thank you!

Thursday, November 13, 2008

My future husband... too bad he's married.

Yea I'm posting!! I'm going to see how long it takes for people notice because I'm sure people have given up on checking my blog! SORRY!! But I totally had to post about this because I keep thinking about it!
So the other day, I had the chance to go see Matt Nathanson (the love of my life!... i wish..) at the Greywhale music store in bountiful. He was doing a concert later that night so he stopped in at the Greywhale store and did a little free concert. It was amazing! There were only about 25 people there, so it was so much more fun because he talked to each of us individually. He even talked to me! I loved it. And his band wasn't there so it was all acoustic. In case you don't know Matt Natanson, he sings Car Crash, and Come On Get Higher. If you ever want a copy of the Cd, just ask! What I loved most about seeing him though, was that he was a very down-to-earth guy who didn't see himself as famous. And he has a lot of fun doing what he is doing. I had so much fun, and he signed my CD "Kaylene is the bomb!-Matt Nathanson". He was very funny, and a great entertainer. I had so much fun!
Probably a lot of you have no idea who he is and you probably don't think its all that amazing that I met him, but it seriously was the highlight of my day!
Here are some picture.
By the way... he is VERY attractive!

Sunday, June 15, 2008

I'm Ariel!

You Are Ariel!

Image hosted by

Headstrong and fiesty. You have a mind of your own that's full of romantic dreams about the world around you. Exploring exotic places is your ultimate dream, and although you can be a little naive you'll realize that there is something to be gained from your family's wisdom.

Which Disney Princess Are You?

Thats so me isn't it? i love the ocean so why shouldn't that be me?! hehe that was fun!

Sunday, June 8, 2008

Trainer for the day

Saturday, June 7, 2008

Trainer for the day

So this past week, my family and I went on a vacation to california. We went to disneyland and california adventure then to sea world. Sea world was the best!!! I did the Trainer for the day program. And pretty much to sum it up, i got to swim with dolphins all day. It was awesome! First we went behind the scenes and looked at the labs where they take care of the animals when they get sick or get hurt. Then we went to a pool with some preganant dolphins in them where we got to see how they take care of the soon to be mothers. Then we went and got goggles and got underneath the water to see the dolphins under the water. It was so cool. the dolphins would come right up to my face! And i could hear their noise that they made underneath the water. It was great! Then we got to go on a dolphin tow ride. Which means we hung on to the dorsal fin of the dolphin and went for a ride!! Then after that, we all got to interact with the dolphins. By feeding it, rubbing its belly, and even tickling it! I had a wonderful experience! if i could, i would do it all over again. I hope you watch the slide show that i made of my pictures from my day at sea world!I had the greatest time and i want to go back so bad!!

Saturday, May 24, 2008

David Cook/David Archuleta Guitar Hero Commerial!

Hahah this was so funny! I just had to put it on here. I even put it on my ipod. LOL! Enjoy!

Saturday, May 10, 2008

David Archuleta Day!! (sorry this post is soooo long!)

So yesterday was amazing! As some of you may know, David Archuleta from American Idol came to Murray High School yesterday to visit his hometown. Well me and my friend decided to go. We got there at 3:00. And it was packed!!! this picture is showing less then half of the crowd! . Anyway, well me and my friend got pretty close to the stage And big Buddah from fox 13 news was there giving us the countdown till David Archuleta arrived. Well at 4:30 the parade with David started showing up. There was the governer, and the mayor then finally David Archuleta! He came in a white mustang that first looped around the football field then up to the stage. It was insane! I have never seen so many screaming girls in my life!! Everyone was freaking out that he was finally there. But you know... i kept my cool. :) So when he got on stage the mayor and the governer both presented him with honors. First they pronounced May 9th David Archuleta day in utah. Then they named a street after him!!! Then after all of that, David Archuleta sang three songs. He sang Imagine, Stand by Me and Angels. It was AMAZING!!!!!!!
There was a little clip from him singing. Sorry its so short but my camera died in the middle of it!!! But here is the video i took from my phone. You cant see him at all, but you can hear his BEAUTIFUL voice. And tons of girls screaming. Well after he got done singing, everyone started leaving and police escorted David away. Well me and my friend headed around back to see if we could possibly get close to him. We were on side stage, and he wasn't coming yet. Then i looked around and spotted his mustang that he came in. I was so excited! I ran over and stood by the mustang. I thought, well if he came in the mustang he's probable going to leave in the mustang right? Wrong. He headed toward the school. Oh well i thought. It turns out that he had a limo waiting for him. So me and my friend just sat by the mustang. Then the driver to the mustang came up and asked me if i'd like to drive it. I was like HECK Ya!! He said he was kidding and he couldn't let me do that. But then i asked him if i could have a ride in it at least while he drove it back around to the front of the school. And he said yes!! So i sat in the same seat of the mustang that David Archuleta sat in!! haha thats my claim to fame! It was actually really exciting! Here are some more pictures from my day

Tuesday, May 6, 2008

Prom Night

So yesterday me and my friend casey went to see the scary movie Prom Night. I just have to say, it was sooooooo-o good! I loved it! I love love love scary movies so this one was perfect for me! If you liked "When a stranger calls", i think you would like this one.

Shark Bait Ooh ah ha!

So as some of you may know, i'm in a marine biology class at school. And in our class we all have a shark egg. Well everyone's had either died or hatched and mine was the last egg left. Well finally yesterday, i got to my class and my teacher said that my egg was empty. And sure enough, there was my cute little sharky hiding behind a rock. I thought i'd name him bruce or jaws but then holly gave me a great idea about naming him "shark bait ooh ah ha" Like off of finding nemo. so here is a picture of my shark. Its not a very good picture though. Sorry! Maybe later i'll try to get a better picture of him!

So my parents said i cant keep him. But if any of you have a salt water tank, and would like a shark, you are welcome to have it.

Sunday, May 4, 2008

Cute Puppy!!!!

So today my best friend Chelsea stopped by with her family, and her newest addition to her family! Sammy! her cute new puppy! i just had to show you guys this puppy because it was so cute! So here are some pictures.

Isn't he adorable!?!?!

Moulin Rouge

So i was totally bored yesterday and Holly being the nice friend she is, let me come over to hang out. Thats when she introduced me to the movie Moulin Rouge. I have never seen it before and I loved it! it was a little odd at first i'm not going to lie, but i really liked it! and now i am completely obsessed with the music. I cant stop listening to it!
haha so i just thought i'd share that with you! :)

Tuesday, April 22, 2008


A-Attached or Single?- Single
B-Best Friend?- I have more then one best friend.. i'd say my mom, holly and mandi
C-Cake or Pie?- Pie- Banana cream!!
D-Day of Choice?- Friday. You gotta love fridays!
E-Essential Item?- My iPod
F- Favorite color? Purple
G-Gummy Bears or Worms- Gummy Bears
H-Hometown?- North Salt Lake
I-Favorite Indulgence?- chinese food! hehe!
J-January or July? July its so warm and sunny! And i hate snow!
K-Kids? None
L-Life isn't complete without? Family and friends
M-Marriage Date?- Not yet!
N-Number of brothers and sisters? 1 brother
O-Oranges or Apples?-Oranges
P-Phobia and Fears? Spiders! ooh and escalators!
Q-Quote?-Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter, and those who matter don't mind. -Dr. Seuss
R-Reason to smile?- Life
S-Season of choice?- Spring
T-Tag five people?- I think everyone's been tagged already! :S
U-Unknown fact about me?- I think you all know everthing about me that you want to know! If not... just ask! :)
V-Vegetable?- Potato's and corn
W-Worse habit?- Chewing my fingernails, and talking too fast
Y-Your favorite food?- chinese food!
Z-Zodiac Sign?- Scorpio

Wednesday, April 16, 2008

"Would you dance with me?" ;)

Haha so i've just got to tell a really funny story that happened to me while at my brother's wedding last night. So at the end of the reception, when everyone was gone, a few of us were just hanging out taking pictures and talking. Well a really sweet love song came on and Beccie started dancing with her dad. It was really sweet. So all the couples started dancing. And i was like "i wish clint would dance with me!" (he is beccie's really hot brother!) And just then, Clint walked in the room and started heading straight for me!!! My heart was seriously about to jump out of my chest! Then he came up to me and stuck out his hand... (as if he was going to ask me to dance!-I nearly passed out!) and then he said "do you have the extra key to your brother's car?"..... ya... haha i totally turned red then i started stuttering like an idiot.
Haha! I'm such a nerd!

I now have a sister-in-law!

Hey! So the wedding yesterday turned out great! It was a long day but it was really fun. I went over to Beccie's house to get my hair done and it looked really good if i say so myself. Then we all met at the temple after the ceremony to take some pictures. It was kinda cold but luckily it didn't snow. Not till later anyway. Then we went to the lion house for the luncheon and it was absolutely delicious! Then we stayed in salt lake for a few hours till the reception which was held in the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. It was really great! Though standing in a line for 2 hours got very tiresome (and my cheeks hurt from smiling!) It was fun to see all the people that i haven't seen in so long! So it was a really fun night.

But when i woke up this morning, i realized that my brother really did get married (because it didn't phase me before haha) and i started crying! haha i felt ridiculous but i was already starting to miss him!! Anway.. i'm over it now. haha! :) I realized he married a great girl, one of my best friends, who is now my sister-in-law.. yea! So i'm very excited for them. I know they love each other very much. So its going to work out great i know it- I just cant wait when they have kids in a few years! ;) Haha!

Well anyway, i took a picture of my hair and wanted to show you all how pretty it was last night, so here it is....
And all of my hair was put up with Bobby pins. Here's a picture of all the bobby pins!!! I was shocked when i pulled all of them out. Which took about 30 minutes by the way.

Those were all in my hair! Can you beleive it?! So for the fun of it, i thought it would be fun if you guys guessed how many bobby pins there is! Haha just for fun! So leave a comment on how many you think there are. And just a hint... there is less than 100.
P.S. Later, when i get some pictures from the wedding , i'll post some of them.

Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Wedding day!.... And Tax day for all of you procrastinators! ;)

So its 6:40am right now... i woke up extra early to get ready before i have to be over at Beccie's house to get my hair done at 7:30 but now i'm ready and i have nothing to do! I'm really excited, yet really stressed for the wedding today!! But i think its going to be fun. I'm excited to see some of you guys there! Plus i'll get to see some people that i haven't seen in about 5 years! And i get to miss school all day!!! :) hehe i'm excited. Hopefully it goes pretty well.
Well i better get going!
See ya!

P.S. Oh and to let you know... yes my room did get clean! Its nice!

Thursday, April 10, 2008

To my adoring fan club! hehe!

So i totally don't know what to talk about... But i am just so popular that i figured i should post something for all of my fans out there! :) hehe! just kidding.

So there is only a few days till my brother's wedding and i'm getting really excited! my bridesmaid dress is finished and very beautiful. Its a pastel green and it looks really good with my flaming red hair! Maybe i'll post a picture of it tomorrow.. I just hope i get to wear it. Even though i asked for that day off from work... they still scheduled me! preposterous!! Anyway... my grandma is coming down on sunday! i'm so excited. But she is sleeping in my room and its not very sanitary...(holly and mandi can testify of that) It looks as though my room exploded. I'm going in to clean it tomorrow. I hope i can come out of there alive!! Wish me luck! (here's a picture of it by the way... Don't think any different of me!! :P ) Its horrible isn't it!?! Hey if anyone's free tomorrow, feel free to come over and help me out. You know you want to!!!

And also Beccie's very sexy brother is also coming home.. He is a marine. Enough said... :)
I better go. Love you guys!!!

P.S. Yea i posted! i'll try to write more often! (haha thats funny... thats what i said in my journal 3 months ago and i haven't written since. oops!)

Sunday, April 6, 2008

My Dream Car

Oh my gosh!! So my family and I just took a ride to Salt Lake to look at this car lot with some older cars. And guess what?! I totally fell in love!!! There in this junky car lot was this blue '66 Mustang! I absolutely love mustangs so when i saw this one I almost screamed!! Isn't it cute?!?! Ok maybe i'm the only one who thinks so. But if there is ANYONE out there who loves me soooo much and has money.... ya i think you should invest in this car for me! Hehe! just kidding! Gah but I do love it!!! :) I am now on a mission to find out how much this car is and totally save up for it! It may take me years... but i'm destined to have that car!!! Cant you picture me driving that car? Hehe! Anyway... just had to let everyone know how excited I was. I probably will never get that car.. but a girl can dream right?! :P

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

Hi everyone! So i started feeling bad that Mandi and Holly check my blog everyday to see if i post something, and i never post. So here I am... So... I'm really excited because my friend today said she has Collin Raye concert tickets and she cant go.. so being a good friend I am, I offered to take them off her hands for her. She said if her mom doesn't want them, then she will totally give them to me! Awesome huh? But here's the bad part... its june 30. while I am at girls camp! So... if i get the tickets, I'm either going to ditch girls camp and go.. or if any of you can go and wants to.. then tell me and i'll give them to you. (if i get them) Anyway.. that was my random thought of the day! :)
Well i totally need to go because American Idol is on!!! YEA!!

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Simpsonize Me!

Tonight I was hanging out with Holly and we decided to try Simpsonizing ourselves. Here is the Simpson version of me:

If you want to try it out, click here

Tag, I'm it!

A. The Rules are posted at the beginning. B. Each player answers about themselves. C. At the end of the post, the player tags 5 people, posts their names, and goes to their blogs letting them know they've been tagged.

5 Things I Was Doing 2 Years Ago:

1. Got my license! woot woot!
2. Obsessing over a boy named Chase!
3. Almost the end of my sophomore year
4. Starting to date!!!
5. Not having fun since I hadn't met Mandi and Holly!

5 Things On My To-Do List Today (for tomorrow):

1. Work UGH!
2. Medical Anatomy homework
3. Start reading Jane Eyre
4. Brush my teeth
5. Survive "Fit For Life"

5 Snacks I Enjoy:

1. Peanut butter cookies
2. Popcorn
3. String Cheese
4. Chocolate Milk
5. Ice Cream cones

5 Things I'd Do if I Were a Billionaire:

1. Buy a Corvette!
2. Go to Australia
3. Buy a HUGE house in the country
4. Buy LOTS of horses
5. Travel

3 Bad Habits:

1. Talking too fast.
2. Chewing on my fingernails
3. "Texting" as Holly would say. *GLARE*

4 Jobs I've Had:

1. Bagger at Winegars
2. Checker at Winegars
3. Babysitting
4. Your Valet dry cleaning

5 Things You Probably Don't Know About Me

1. I would eat chinese food everyday if i could!
2. I cant whistle
3. I wanna swim with sharks someday
4. I have never had a manicure/pedicure.
5. I want to go into the medical field one day

Beccie's Bridal Shower!

On Saturday we had a shower for my soon-to-be sister-in-law Beccie. She's the one with the crazy bow on her head! This is a picture of me and my mom and Beccie with her mom and all of her sisters. I'm so excited for their wedding on the 15th!

Thursday, March 13, 2008


Holly is very upset that i have not yet posted anything, and since i don't want to break her "fragile soul" i'll post something!
So my excitment from saturday still has not yet worn off. As some of you may know, i went to the Linkin Park concert on saturday. I've just got to say... it was absolutely AMAZING!! They had 3 encores!! It was unlike any concert i have been to. Maybe because the only other concerts i have been to are country, and Linkin park is hard core rock! Haha! But i had an amazing time! Though i did walk out of that concert totally deaf!
Well i hope i can stay on top of things and write more often! I'm sure holly will remind me every second of every day! :) haha


Wednesday, March 5, 2008

First Post!

This is my first post!