Wednesday, April 16, 2008

I now have a sister-in-law!

Hey! So the wedding yesterday turned out great! It was a long day but it was really fun. I went over to Beccie's house to get my hair done and it looked really good if i say so myself. Then we all met at the temple after the ceremony to take some pictures. It was kinda cold but luckily it didn't snow. Not till later anyway. Then we went to the lion house for the luncheon and it was absolutely delicious! Then we stayed in salt lake for a few hours till the reception which was held in the Joseph Smith Memorial Building. It was really great! Though standing in a line for 2 hours got very tiresome (and my cheeks hurt from smiling!) It was fun to see all the people that i haven't seen in so long! So it was a really fun night.

But when i woke up this morning, i realized that my brother really did get married (because it didn't phase me before haha) and i started crying! haha i felt ridiculous but i was already starting to miss him!! Anway.. i'm over it now. haha! :) I realized he married a great girl, one of my best friends, who is now my sister-in-law.. yea! So i'm very excited for them. I know they love each other very much. So its going to work out great i know it- I just cant wait when they have kids in a few years! ;) Haha!

Well anyway, i took a picture of my hair and wanted to show you all how pretty it was last night, so here it is....
And all of my hair was put up with Bobby pins. Here's a picture of all the bobby pins!!! I was shocked when i pulled all of them out. Which took about 30 minutes by the way.

Those were all in my hair! Can you beleive it?! So for the fun of it, i thought it would be fun if you guys guessed how many bobby pins there is! Haha just for fun! So leave a comment on how many you think there are. And just a hint... there is less than 100.
P.S. Later, when i get some pictures from the wedding , i'll post some of them.


Holly said...

Wow, that is a lot. I always guess way too low, but I am going to say 38. I got some really cute pics of you I need to send over!

Ryan and Mandi said...

Ok, I think I will guess it at 65. That's probably way off, but oh well. Love ya!