Thursday, April 10, 2008

To my adoring fan club! hehe!

So i totally don't know what to talk about... But i am just so popular that i figured i should post something for all of my fans out there! :) hehe! just kidding.

So there is only a few days till my brother's wedding and i'm getting really excited! my bridesmaid dress is finished and very beautiful. Its a pastel green and it looks really good with my flaming red hair! Maybe i'll post a picture of it tomorrow.. I just hope i get to wear it. Even though i asked for that day off from work... they still scheduled me! preposterous!! Anyway... my grandma is coming down on sunday! i'm so excited. But she is sleeping in my room and its not very sanitary...(holly and mandi can testify of that) It looks as though my room exploded. I'm going in to clean it tomorrow. I hope i can come out of there alive!! Wish me luck! (here's a picture of it by the way... Don't think any different of me!! :P ) Its horrible isn't it!?! Hey if anyone's free tomorrow, feel free to come over and help me out. You know you want to!!!

And also Beccie's very sexy brother is also coming home.. He is a marine. Enough said... :)
I better go. Love you guys!!!

P.S. Yea i posted! i'll try to write more often! (haha thats funny... thats what i said in my journal 3 months ago and i haven't written since. oops!)


Holly said...

That picture makes me so happy because that is exactly what my room looked like as a teenager too! I had better things to do than clean... and sometimes I still take that stance (though not to the old extreme). No regrets, you have to have fun in life!

Ryan and Mandi said...

That's awesome! I could never get my room to that state, my mom would have killed me... literally. But my house isn't much better now. Oh well.